
Movie “Parasite.” (기생충) 2019 Korean

Parasite Korean

The korean original title is “기생충.”

This South Korean film “Parasite” won four Academy Awards on February 10, 2020.

South Korean film "Parasite" won 4 Academy Awards on February 10, 2020.
South Korean film "Parasite" won four Academy Awards on February 10, 2020.Academy Award for Best Picture, Academy Award ...

This film takes over two hours to watch.
It was interesting from the beginning, but almost one hour later, I felt tired a little bit.
I don’t like that honest good people have some troubles.


But after that, I was taken in the story.
I couldn’t imagine what happened next in the movie.
It was very interesting.

The actors, actresses, are very good.
They are real professionals!


In the Korean,
even they are poor,
family members always respect their
father or husband.
Korean people obey their parents.
I love it.


And siblings like each other.
I love it.


Some commentary says,
“This film expresses the Korean society’s black humor.”
But it is difficult for me to understand “the Korean black humor.”
It is like a “Serbian humor” in the Serbian film. It is also very difficult for me to understand.

But this film won the four Academy Awards.
Maybe Amerikan people are impressed by another face of the Korean culture.


Honestly I cannot understand what this film wants to express.
I was fascinated by this movie, “Parasite.”

If you love movie,
if you love Korean culture,
I can recommend you to watch this film.
You will love this film.
I’m sure.

↓Japanese language version of this article is here↓

映画「기생충」2019年 韓国語
英題は「Parasite.」邦題は「パラサイト 半地下の家族」。韓国語の題名「기생충」を直訳すると「寄生虫」の意。2020年2月10日に、第92回アカデミー賞で作品賞、監督賞、国際長編映画賞、脚本賞受賞した。上映時間は2時間を超える。最初か...

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