
Documentary “The SHOCKING Reason Black People Are Moving to Asia.” 2019

The SHOCKING Reason Black People Are Moving to Asia English
The SHOCKING Reason Black People Are Moving to Asia

Thank you for the compliments for Asian country.
I’m very happy that the Black People love Asia.

In Singapore

Actually, in Asia, there is no discrimination to Black People,
I think.
Of course, in Asia, there is no discrimination to White people, also.
So no discrimination?
There is!
In Asia, there is discrimination to Asians!
It’s very sad and stupid, of course.

Every where in this world, neighborhoods hate neighborhoods always.
It’s very sad and stupid.
We are same human beings!

But anyway, we, Asians, welcome African people, American people,
and European people.

Thank you for reading!
I wish this brings you some kind
of information.


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