
Movie “1987: When the Day Comes” 2017 Korean

1987 Korean
1987; When the Day Comes

Actually I don’t believe the Democracy.
It is obviously that
Democratic political system doesn’t work.
Few Rich families and so many poor families,
So many corruptions, etc..
And more worse thing,
people are just complaining
and don’t go to the elections.

My opinion,
the democratic political system
doesn’t work anymore.

I watched this film.
It’s a sad story.
But I consider about
the democratic political system
a little bit.
Maybe democracy isn’t so bad, maybe.

And Korea.
It’s a very tough situation
that the same ethnic group are divided.

I’m a Japanese.
I cannot distinguish
he or she is a Korean or Japanese
if he or she doesn’t speak.
We, Korean and Japanese, have same face.

We are very close brothers and sisters.
I love korean people.
I love Korean culture.

This film story is sad but it is worth to watch.
I recommend you to watch this film.

Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day!


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